Chris Ryan from @tattedsommnyc Wine HottiesErica ManfreMarch 25, 2021Tatted Somm NYC, Tatted Tastings, Restaurant Training, Waitstaff Training, Wine Business, Wine MarketingComment
Ryan Alfaro of Alfaro Family Vineyards Wine Hotties, WineErica ManfreJanuary 7, 2021winemaker, corralitos, winery, corralitos winery, santa cruz mountain winegrowers association, santa cruz avaComment
Behind the Wine - Episode 1 - Miguel Lepe of Lepe Cellars Wine Hotties, WineErica ManfreDecember 23, 2020wine hottie, winemakerComment
Wine Hottie ALERT! Tasting with Dylan Wine HottiesErica ManfreOctober 15, 2020winehottie, tasting with dylanComment
Wine Hottie - Gianni Abate of Chalone Vineyard Wine HottiesErica ManfreOctober 1, 2020wine hottie, wine stud, chalone vinyeard, morgan wineryComment
Andrew Wright of Merryvale Vineyards Wine HottiesErica ManfreAugust 6, 2020wine, Merryvale, Andrew WrightComment
Chris Broaddus of Anatum Winery Wine HottiesErica ManfreApril 2, 2020wine, moody wine, anatum, anatum wineyrComment